Exploitation Forestière

Our goal is to manage and exploit forest resources durably maximizing current markets while respecting environment (we are
PEFC certified). sous le numéro PEFC/07-32-155).

We mainly work in west Europe : France, Belgium and Luxembourg, exploiting 50 000 cuber meters of wood per year, in public and private sector.

What is forest management ?

We advice individuals (mainly on sanitary issues) and realize management plans on forest properties, inventories, blazing and selling wood.

What is logging ?

We realize felling and skidding of logs for every variety. We have our own machines to log (logging truck, skidder, heavy load truck…).





Export - Lumbers - Energy - Industry


Once the forestry set up, we enhance the final product in 2 ways : Quality wood and Export Hardwood / Export Softwood


To maximize the forestry, we exploit ourselves our houppiers and thickets on our sections. Logs are cut in 2 meters, skidded and bring to signals or pasteboard factories. We buy trituration in forest or roadside promoting transparency and supplying with weight coupons.

We deliver firewood from top logs for individuals and professionals by truck of about 25 tons.

We also deliver wood chips to boiler factories and collectivities (for more information, please consult the Wood for Energy page).